יום רביעי, 24 באוגוסט 2016

Google Maps and More - G2G at Solomon Schechter in New Jersey

Mati David and her students at the Solomon Schechter Day School of Greater Monmouth County in New Jersey have a long lasting relationship with the residents of Sunrise Assited Living. 

This past year, Mati decided to incorporate G2G: Generation to Generation in their volunteer visits at the assisted living. Her students taught the residents how to search the internet and use Google maps. The students spoke with the residents about their childhood and together looked up together the places where they were born. The outcomes were terrific and the students and seniors had a fantastic experience. 

The wonderful connection is thanks to Revital Vitman, from the Eshkolot School in Binyamina. Revital and Mati run various activities together for the students of Eshkolot and Solomon Schechter. Now, they both participate in G2G, adding the older generation to this special partnership as well. 

We are looking foward to this next year and the continuing G2G connection between the schools! 

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